Bicycle Tour 2021

“From Munich to the source of the Inn”

From Munich to Wasserburg following the Panoramaweg Isar-Inn bike trail.

Then following the Inn through Germany, Austria and Switzerland up to the source in Engadin.

Finally, hiking up to the source lake (Lake Lunghin) and to the drainage divide on the Lunghin Pass. The water flows in three directions:

  • into the Black Sea via Inn and Danube,
  • into the Mediterrean Sea via Maira/Mera and Po,
  • and into the North Sea via Gelgia/Julia and Rhine.


  • 5 Days on the bike
  • 1 Day hiking
  • ~ 470km
  • between 165m and 1145m altitude per day

All emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (camping, mountain, hotel)


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