Bicycle Tour 2023

“From Munich via Praha to Berlin”

From Munich to the North following the Ilm. It eventually flows via Abens into the Danube.

At the Danube there is the well known Danube Bike Trail, the EuroVelo 6, which I followed to Regensburg.

From Regensburg there is a the Falkenstein Bike Trail. This trail follows an old railway track, it goes smoothly uphill. From Falkenstein I went to Cham.

I passed the border to the Czech Republic in Furth im Wald. In the Czech Republic I loosely followed the bike trail number 3, which goes via Plzeň to Praha. The trail follows a bit the Radbuza River, after Plzeň, the trail joins the Paneuropa Bike Trail (PAN) till Praha.

In Praha, I joined again the trail from last year: EuroVelo 7. It follows the Vltava (Moldau) which flows north of Praha into the Elbe.

The EV7 follows the Elbe via Dresden till Lutherstadt Wittenberg, when it goes north towards the Havel. Then via Potsdam to Berlin.


  • 13 Days on the bike
  • ~ 1060km
  • Two ferries
    • on the Danube river between Weltenburg and Kehlheim (Day 2)
    • at Pretsch to cross the Elbe (Day 11).
  • between 44m and 645m altitude per day

All emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (camping, mountain, hotel)


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