My yearly (this time shorter) bicycle tour was half way over the Alps and back: From Munich to Inn via Fernpass and back

Start point is in Munich at the Isar river. Incidentally at the “Earth” of the planetary walk of the “Deutsches Museum”. Following the Isar until Wolfratshausen, where we follow the river Loisach, up to its sources. Then we are already near the Fernpass, which brings us over the mountain. It’s an old roman road that is part of the Via Claudia Augusta trail.

After the pass we are in the Inn valley and following the river until Zirl where we go back over the mountains via Seefeld and then to Scharnitz back to the river Isar. This trail is part of the Bikeschaukel Tirol (Bikeswing Tyrol). But while the mountain bikes run downhill, we go uphill (very steep).

Following the river Inn until Wallgau where we leave the Isar and ride to Lake Walchen. The trail goes at the southern edge along the lake until Lenggries at the Isar again. We follow the Isar until Bad Tölz where we switch to the bike trail Bodensee-Königssee-Radweg which we follow until Tegernsee. There we join again the trail München Venezia which brings us back to Munich.

You can see my tracks on the interactive map I created:

Bicycle Tour 2024: From Munich to Inn via Fernpass and back

Bicycle Tour 2024: From Munich to Inn via Fernpass and back